Read Another Year Question Papers

Internet and Web Technologies Old Paper [2017] in Diploma

Course: I.T
Code: 4033

Year/Sem.: Second Year/IV Semester

Time: 2.30 Hrs.     M.M.: 50

Note: Attempt ten questions from section A and attempt five questions from section B and also attempt five questions from Section C.


Attempt any ten questions.  1*10 = 10

1. HTML means ..................(write full form)
2. Mozilla Firefox is an example of.............
3. URL stands for................ (write full form).
4. An intranet is network.
5. The ...........tag is used to create a horizontal rule/line.
6. CSS stands for.............. ... (write full form).
7. To insert an image in HTML document we use..............tag.
8. Java script is............... sensitive language.
9. IIS stands for.................. (write (full form).
10. a stateless protocol.
11. CGI stands for...................(write full form).
12. HTTP stands for....................(write full form).


Attempt any five questions.  3*5=15

13. What is a hypertext link? Explain.
14. What is www? Define various features of www.
15. What do you mean by term DNS? List some DNS.
16. What is HTML? Explain.
17. What is the difference between Java & JavaScript?
18. What is web server? Explain proxy server.
19. What are headings? Explain.


Attempt any five questions.  5*5=25

20. What do you mean by interactive web pages? Design a simple interactive java script page.
21. What is meta tag in HTML? Why it is used.
22. Explain any ten tags of HTML.
23. What is PHP? Explain PHP syntax with suitable example.
24. Differentiate between client-side-scripting and server-side-scripting.
25. Describe database connectivity using JavaScript.
26. Write the HTML code for creating the following layout:

Item Quantity Total Price
Mile 2 26
Curd 2 30
Butter 5 75
Cheese 4 140
Cream 1 30